Events Listing:
December 18th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library
November 20th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library October 19th - Saturday - Annual Effingham Street Dance, salute all Volunteers, live band and food truck, 200-500 PM at Effingham Public Library October 16th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library September 18th - no in-person meeting this month August 21st - no in-person meeting this month August 17th - Saturday - Effingham's 7th Annual Street Fair (rain or shine), 900 AM - 100 PM, 6 Town House Road, Effingham, NH July 17th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library June 19th - no in-person meeting this month June 11th 500 PM - June 12th 500 PM - NH GIVES online statewide fundraising May 15th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library April 17th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library March 20th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library ***canceled*** February 28th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library January 17th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library ****End of Year 2023**** December 20th - Wednesday - HTH Project Team Celebration, 600 PM - 730 PM November 20th - Monday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library October 14th - Saturday - 2nd Annual Street Dance celebration, 200 PM to 500 PM, 6-30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH August 12th - Saturday - 6th Annual Street Fair, 900 AM to 100PM, 6-30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH July 12th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library June 14th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library June 10th - Saturday - Effingham Preservation Society Bake Sale, Sue Regal Memorial Classic Whoopie Pie Bake Off, 1200 PM, 30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH June 3rd - Saturday - Friends of Effingham Library Bake Sale, 900 AM - 1200 PM, 30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH May27th - Saturday - Annual Plant Sale Fundraiser, Effingham Preservation Society, 900 AM - 1200 PM, 30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH May 17th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library April 19th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 730 PM, Effingham Public Library March 25th - Saturday - Effingham Public Library Grand Reopening, from 1130 AM-130 PM, 30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH March 18th - Effingham Annual Town Meeting March 15th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library February 15th - Wednesday - HTH Project Monthly Meeting, 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library February 1st - Effingham Public Library reopens January 18th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library October 19th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library October 15th 300-600 PM. Friends of the Library sponsoring Fall Dance in the Street with live music and food trucks. Route 153 & Town House Road, Effingham, NH. September & October - Cobalt Construction Management begins Powder Post Beetle rehabilitation project at Effingham Library. Effingham Free Public Library - closed August 25th until late October/early November. August 20th - EPS Annual Street Fair, 900 AM to 200PM, 6-30 Town House Road, Effingham, NH August 17th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library July 20th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library June 15th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library JUNE 8 to 9 - NH GIVES joint statewide fundraising program, EPS & Charter Oak Masonic Lodge #58 F&AM, Effingham, NH May 28th - Effingham Preservation Society (EPS) Bake Sale & Perennial Plant Sale to benefit HTH Project - EPS building 6 Town House Road, Effingham, NH May 18th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library February 16th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library January 2022 - HTH Project review meeting to review Powderpost beetle damage public bid specification document October 20th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library September 25th - Effingham Preservation Society hosts online 'Lilly plants' sale to benefit HTH Project July 28th (change) - Effingham Preservation Society Annual Meeting, 6 Town House Road, Effingham, NH 600 PM - 800 PM potluck dinner May 29th - Friends of Library Use Book Sale, 900- Noon, 30 Town House Road, Effingham Effingham Preservation Society Perennial Sale, 6 Town House Road, Effingham Lord's Hill Meeting House Flowers & Baked Goods, 900-Noon, Lord's Hill, Route 153 May 22nd - Effingham Preservation Society On-line Bake Auction 18th-20th, pick up AM of 22nd EPS On-line Auction Bake Sale (click link) May 19th - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library May 15th - Effingham Town Meeting, 900 AM vote on 2 Town Warrant Articles re: HTH April 21st - HTH Project Monthly Meeting 600 PM - 745 PM, Effingham Public Library April 7 through Summer - Aluminum Can Fundraising Drive. Transfer station drop off site, also Town Office and Town Library. April 2-8 - Effingham Preservation Society On-line Bake Auction, pick up AM of April 10th EPS On-line Auction Bake Sale (click link) |
phase 1 You Helped raise $165,000 . . . moving on . . .Your donation will help complete work on Phase 2 energy efficiency improvements, ADA bathroom, etc. that help to preserve building structure . . . and more. Become a part of this historic project. Take action today. Each small donation like $18.58 helps!
You HELPed us reach our PHASE 2 goal! thank you!
This project was funded in part by a grant from the NH Preservation Alliance, which received support for its grants program from the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP).
Effingham Preservation Society is a 501(c)3 organization established in 1999 to preserve historic buildings and landmarks in Effingham, New Hampshire. The Preservation Society has agreed to be the Fiscal Agent of the Historic Town Hall Project.
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