proud Accomplishments & preservation NEWS:
Total number of project Volunteer Hours August 2018 through July 2024: 6,780 hours
- Charter Oak Masonic Lodge #58 donation of $1,000 to the preservation project, August
- Friends of the Effingham Library Bake Sale - $425 raised for preservation! July
- NH GIVES online statewide fundraising - $3,004 raised! This year, Effingham Preservation Society and Charter Oak Masonic Lodge #58 jointly raised funds to renovate bathrooms for ADA accessibility, June 11 - 12
- Effingham Preservation Society Annual Plant Sale Fundraiser - $884 raised! May
- Conger & Son Metalworks and Valley Restorations, LLC, hired to fabricate new Masonic symbols for the bell tower, May
- Grant Letter of Intent to NH Dept. of Natural and Cultural Resources - ARTS Conservation License Plate Grant Program, April
- Valley Restorations, LLC, hired to perform repairs of cupola water leaks and restoration of cupola railings, April
- Rooster Productions hired to repair and restore exterior and interior double doors, February
- L&P Electric, LLC, Ossipee, NH, hired to do bell tower electric work, February
- Talis Historic Restoration hired to restore 2nd & 3rd floor double hung windows, February
- Northwood Sash & Joinery, LLC hired to fabricate and restore the bell tower one-of-a-kind design clover leaf windows, February
- The Verdin Company hired to restore the bell tower cupola bell - let the bell ring again!, February
- Anonymous large donor grant for $23,000, December
- NH Governor Chris Sununu media event announces 2023 Land & Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) grant awards. The HTH project received $172,000 in matching funds for Phase 2B preservation work. December 11th
- Royal Little Family Foundation grant for $30,000, November
- Historic Significance!! NH Preservation Alliance announces 1790's Lord's Hill Tavern, Lord's Hill Historic District, Province Lake Road, Effingham, has been nominated to the 2023 Seven to Save, October - watch the video to see and listen to part of Effingham's early history
- Charter Oak Masonic Lodge #58 A&FM donation of $600; matched by NH Grand Lodge Charity Fund for $600, October
- NH Community Finance Authority (CDFA) - Clean Energy Fund Grant awarded $3,900 to complete a Level II Energy Audit of the building, August
- Friends of Effingham Library donate $500, August
- Effingham Public Library receives $5,000 grant towards rehabilitation of ADA bathrooms, July
- NH GIVES 2023 charitable fundraising campaign raises $1714.62 for helping to restore the 1863 bell atop the 6-story tower. June Henry N Hooper & Co. (former Paul Revere Foundry, MA)
- Susan Slack, Esquire and Chairperson, Effingham Historic District Commission, joins the Historic Town Hall-Library Preservation Project Team, May
- Jacobs Glass awarded contract to complete restoration of front double doors, sidelights and transom windows, April
- Effingham Taxpayers appropriate $10,000 for project at 2023 Annual Town Meeting, March
- Effingham Free Public Library reopens February 1, 2023 after 5-months of preservation construction, February
- Phase 1 of Historic Town Hall-Library Preservation Project completed January 18, 2023. Report is here: Phase 1 Final Summary_18Jan2023
- Historic Town Hall-Library 15-year Stewardship Plan filed with LCHIP at the completion of Phase 1 preservation and rehabilitation work.
- In memory donations, $3,500, for Susan "Sue" Regal. Long-time Effingham Preservation Society active volunteer, Effingham Library Trustee and very active member of Historic Town Hall-Library Preservation Project Team recently passed away after a short illness. December
- 2022 Moose Plate Grant ($20,000) awarded, December
- Charter Oak Lodge #58 of Freemasons and NH Grand Lodge Charity Fund each present $600 checks ($1,200 total) to Effingham Preservation Society for the benefit of the Historic Town Hall Project, December
- Royal Little Family Foundation grant for $35,000, November
- Powder-post Beetle repair & rehabilitation project, 1st floor of Effingham Library Main Room starts September through December. Cobalt Construction Management, contractor.
- Carriage style shed erected on the property to be used for library storage, August
- All new reproduction window shutters hung on building by project team volunteer labor, July
- 2022 LCHIP ($155,000) and Moose Plate Grant ($20,000), completed applications accepted, June
- Charter Oak Lodge #58 of Freemasons co-sponsored the NHGIVES fundraising event with Effingham Preservation Society and raised $600 for a matching grant, June
- Effingham Preservation Society participated for the 3rd year in NHGIVES state-wide fundraising event raising over $1,572, June
- Friends of the Effingham Library sponsored a Garden Cart Raffle fundraiser for the HTH Project raising $1,000, May
- 2022 LCHIP Letter of Intent submitted for $155,000 matching grant and approved, May
- Timberdoodle Farm_Specialty Sawmill, Strafford, NH, hired to cut Town-owned timber into lumber for Powder-post Beetle Repairs, May
- 2022 Moose Plate Grant Letter of Intent accepted, May
- LCHIP approves Program Agreement changes in Phase 1 project scope in May, July and Sept.
- Powder-post Beetle repair & restoration contract awarded to Cobalt Construction Management, Effingham, NH, May
- Consolidated Communications Inc. installs upgraded 100/100 fiber internet & phone service in library, April
- 2nd HTH Project Annual Aluminum Can Recycling Fundraiser begins, April
- Powderpost Beetle Repair/Rehabilitation construction repair bids come in over $100,000, April
- Effingham Board of Selectmen approve using Town-owned logged timber for the Powder-post Beetle repair & restoration project, April
- Effingham Annual Town Meeting appropriates $60,000 for the restoration and preservation of the building, March
- Beech River (Shutter) Mill begins and completes fabricating reproduction window shutters for building exterior, Ossipee, NH, March
- November 2021 through President's Day, 100% donor-match fundraising drive, $2,480 raised, February
- Olde Window Restorers, Warner, NH, 1st floor storm windows installed, February
- Effingham Preservation Society donation for temperature and moisture control monitoring system for Masonic Temple room from CSA Data Loggers, Chesterland, OH, January
- NH Division of Historical Resources award to the Town of Effingham for the HTH Town Hall-Library Project $10,000 under the NH Moose Plate Program, December
- Christopher P. Williams Architects, PLLC, completed architectural plan for building's 1st floor, December
- On-line Bake Auction sponsored by Effingham Preservation Society raised over $800, November
- Article - NH Municipal Association - NH Town and Country Magazine, page 41, November-December 2021
- 2nd year Aluminum Can Fundraiser running April through October removed 2,230 lbs. of aluminum from going to a landfill, October
- Eversource's Commercial & Industrial Retrofit Program supporting NH SAVES program has awarded a 50% grant of $8,350 for building insulation, October
- Effingham Preservation Society hosts online 'Lilly plants' sale to benefit HTH Project
- Olde Window Restorers, Warner, NH, restored 1st floor windows, September
- RPF Environmental Inc., Northwood, NH, completed asbestos abatement.
- EnviroVantage, Epping, NH, provided asbestos project air quality monitoring, September
- Yankee Thermal Imaging, Rochester, NH, installed 2nd floor insulation. An Eversource Grant has been applied for to offset 50% of the costs, September
- Jim's On Call Painting, Manchester, NH, is preparing and painting the building exterior with a special lead encapsulating paint, July-August-September
- JP Pest Services provided remediation efforts for Carpenter Ants found in the HTH-Library bell tower, August.
- Lost Valley Home Repair & Remodeling, Effingham, NH, provided building exterior clapboard repairs, July
- Conger & Son Metalworks, Madison, NH, custom created and installed new copper window caps and roof returns, July
- Phase 1 preservation construction begins under the construction project management of Cobalt Construction Management, Effingham, NH July 8, 2021
- NH Gives June 8th-9th online fundraiser, raises over $2,000! June
- JP Pest Control performs Powderpost Beetle spraying in building crawl space to stop future infestation, June
- Restoration work has started! First up, removing remaining window shutters (lead paint), May
- Town of Effingham Town Meeting raised - appropriated $10,000 to expendable trust fund, May
- Powderpost Beetles - recent discovery in the first floor beams. New floor beams and floor work will now become part of Phase 1 restoration work. April
- RFP Environmental performed asbestos testing and confirmed the presences of asbestos, May
- Asbestos - recent discovery hidden by suspended tile ceilings. Testing and removal will become part of Phase 1 restoration work. April
- 1st 2021 Effingham Preservation Society On-line Bake Auction - a success, $500+ raised, 50% donated to HTH-Library Project. April
- Approve contractors for preservation Work: construction project management, exterior building painting, repair exterior window trim & clapboard rot, historic window restoration, window shutters, adding copper window & roof return caps, March
- LCHIP Approval to hire historic architect to create rehabilitation plans, February
- Scope of Work Phase 1 document submitted to LCHIP for review and approval, January
- Launch Phase 2 fundraising campaign to raise $145,000 by November 2022 on November 15th
- Land & Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) awards matching grant for $165,000, to the Historic Town Hall-Library Project, November 19th during live webcast. Chuck Fuller, Lead Project Sponsor, was a guest speaker about the project.
- Major Milestone - successfully met the $165,000 Phase 1 fundraising goal - 100% of the goal! mid-November
- AmazonSmile - automated fundraising at no cost to you. 20 total households have joined this fundraising effort so far. November
- Beech River Mill, Center Ossipee, NH, (ca 1851) produces 8 pair of historic reproduction window shutters for 1st floor of building, November
- Volunteer work crew trimmed overgrown landscaping bushes and trees on property, October
- Freedom Charitable Foundation, Freedom, NH, $650 grant award, October
- Aluminum Can Fundraising Drive final tally for 2020 was 2,460 lbs. of aluminum recycled (about 78,700 cans not going to a landfill) and also reduced Town waste management costs. Raised over $1,200. April 15th into October
- $10,000 donation from Freemasons of Charter Oak Lodge #58, Effingham, NH, October
- Jacobs Glass Inc. removes 8 large historic windows, completes restoration at their workshop in Winslow, Maine, and reinstalls them in building, October
- Effingham Preservation Society Online Bake Sale Auction raised $720+. July
- Article: Historic Meeting Place Once Masonic Boarding School, published by Masonic Services Association, Maryland, July
- NH GIVES June 9th-10th 24-hour online fundraising; $3,862 in donations to Effingham Preservation Society on behalf of the Historic Town Hall-Library Project, June
- Memorial Day Weekend Plant Sale at Effingham Preservation Society - exceeded $1,000 goal! $2,318 donated to the Historic Town Hall-Library Project, May
- Town of Effingham Town Meeting raised and appropriated a total of $9,500, March
- Applied for The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Grant for Historic Interiors Grant, March, funding was denied
- Applied for Johanna Favrot Fund for Historic Preservation Grant, March, funding was denied
- Obtained 17 different written vendor proposals for repair, restoration & rehabilitation work during year.
- Created new Facebook page for The Historic Town Hall of Effingham NH, December
- Created new logo and business website with fundraising donate 'buttons', December
- Applied for Northeast Heritage Economic Program Grant, December
- Volunteer efforts demolished the 2.5 story unused chimney, November
- NH Preservation Alliance Board of Directors building tour, November
- Historic Town Hall building added to the Effingham Capital Improvements Plan, October
- Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, September
- Awarded $10,000 NH Conservation License Plate (Moose Plate) Grant, September
- Christopher P Williams Architects, PLLC, creates Historic Building Assessment with Preservation Guidelines Report, May
- Submitted Letter of Intent to the Brown Foundation, Inc., May
- Application to the National Register of Historic Places, April
- Town of Effingham Town Meeting raised and appropriated $20,000, March
- Awarded $4,500 NH Preservation Alliance matching grant, October
- Formation of Historic Town Hall-Library Project Team with Board of Selectmen support, August
- WMUR News 9 - New Hampshire Chronicle - New England Masonic Charitable Institute
- Awarded $400 NH Preservation Alliance matching grant
- Created historic preservation building assessment report
- Listed on the New Hampshire State Register of Historic Places, April 29th
- Awarded $150,000 LCHIP matching grant for building repair and restoration including the Masonic Temple. Charter Oak Lodge No. 58 donated $75,000 on top of the grant.
You can Help raise $222,000 by November 2023
This project was funded in part by a grant from the NH Preservation Alliance, which received support for its grants program from the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP).
Effingham Preservation Society is a 501(c)3 organization established in 1999 to preserve historic buildings and landmarks in Effingham, New Hampshire. The Preservation Society has agreed to be the Fiscal Agent of the Historic Town Hall Project.
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