Our SUPPORTERS 2019-2020
Thank you for your support
Individual_Family Supporters
Martha Bates & Mike Mazzachi Grace & Chuck Fuller Lorie Dunne & Mark Hempton Eric Jones Karen Payne & Mike Pilkovsky Carol Pfister Sue & Steve Regal Pat Riker James W. Copeland Trust Anonymous Deanna Amaral Brenda & Jory Augenti Mark Barie John Bianchi Janet & Paul Bartoswicz Celine M. Bergeron Erica Boutwell Boynton John Burke Elaine Chick & Mike Cahalane Althea Cairone John Carpenter Shirley & Noel Cartwright Asta Heigason Clark Jessica Cole Elaine H Gardiner Collupy Stephen D. Crockett John Davis Jr. Christine & Chris Dearborn Pete Dinger Noreen Downs Linda & Lawrence Edwards Cynthia & Leonard Espie Mimi Von Farnkoff Cheryle Feirick Charles Fijnvandraat Sandra Finn Theresa & Brendan Fuller Elaine & Todd Giles Tom Hart Diane Hartford Dale & Jeffrey Heckler Amy & Tony Heffernan Linda Hefner Christine Holbrook Gayle & Eric Hollister Donald B. Jacobs Jeannine Jones Heidi Kay Kenneth R. Kubacj Renee Kube Westie Krysa Cindel & Francois Lamothe Angela LaRoche Dorrie Lavoie Kristin Lavrich Diane & Gary Leech Lori Lenart Patty & Robert Libby Jay Lodico Judy & Bob Lord Paul Louie Henry Marx Katie McCarthy & Jim Pittman John Meisner Claire & Hector Mendez Christine Peterson Martin Aysia Morency JoAnne Murphy Kamalendu Nath Priscilla Parsons Erick Petrikas Deb & Paul Potter Janet & Timothy Quint Johnson Rachel Victoria & Victor Rauchle Rick Ratte Sandra & Robert Ravell Daniel Roberge Stacy Roberge John Roese John Rohsenow Mark Rosa Charity Rouse Vicki & Everett Rowland |
Thomas Samples
Linda Seaman Christopher Seamans Susan Seeley Judy Shaw Katherine Siino Janis Smith Susan Slack Heidi Perkins Stebbins James Stewart and in memory of Vicki Stewart Theresa Swanick Rhonda Szapiel & Leo Racine Elizabeth Traverso Jennifer Van Cor Johanna Vienneau Deborah Walbridge Emily V. Wade John T. Walsh Heather Webster Ellen White Jeff Whiteman Beverly Wild Barbara Wilkins Misty Willard John A. Williams Mae Williams Rosemarie Wissenbach Patricia & Douglas Woods Virginia & Bill Wrabel James Wright Matching Gift Companies
Contributing Organizations & Other Supporters
Media Carroll County Independent - Salomon Press, Meredith, NH Conway Daily Sun, Conway, NH Masonic Service Association, Burtonsville, MD Union Leader, Manchester, NH WMUR NEWS 9 - NEW HAMPSHIRE CHRONICLE |
Gift-in-Kind Donations
Emelyn Albert Janice Andrea Christina Bertogli Suzanne Ciani Lorie Dunne Jason Earle Lenny Espie Linda Fairchild Brandie Felix Heidi Foy Grace Fuller Chuck Fuller Christopher Garcia Vicki Garceau Harriett Greystone Beth Nagle Griffin Ceara Gurley Paula Hammond Cristin Harkins Tom Hart Mark Hempton Crystal Hoyt Erik Jones Cindel & Francois Lamonthe Sandy Lodico Joan & Tom Loonam Marie Lopresti Catherine Lynch David Lynch Mary Martin Katie McCarthy Aysia Morency Winston Morrow Karen Payne Carol Pfister Mike Pilkovsky Leo Racine Sandra Ravell Sue Regal Steve Regal Ann & Luke Saucier Ruth Saucier Edith Sharp Jan Smith Janis Smith Marcial Socha Heidi Stebbins Tim Stebbins Sarah Stockman Arthur Surrette Rhonda Szapiel Bill Taylor Jen Van Cor Kendra White
Please Note: You may opt out of having your name listed on the OUR SUPPORTERS page at any time. Please Contact Us with your name and request to be placed on the Anonymous list.
List updated November 15, 2020 - end of Phase 1 fundraising
This project was funded in part by a grant from the NH Preservation Alliance, which received support for its grants program from the New Hampshire Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP).
Effingham Preservation Society is a 501(c)3 organization established in 1999 to preserve historic buildings and landmarks in Effingham, New Hampshire. The Preservation Society has agreed to be the Fiscal Agent of the Historic Town Hall Project.
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